Zyklon in Myanmar

Myanmar - Irrawaddy-Delta‏: Major Breakthrough!!!

Dada Vishvarupananda writes:

Just come back from a meeting with UNICEF. The Minister of Education himself gave his approval that we can implement for UNICEF. This is the first time in history, the MoE allows a foreign organization to work on Myanmar territory! It is generally known to be the toughest of all!

Myanmar - Irrawaddy-Delta‏: Good News Report - Monday, 2 June 2008

Our MASS DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD ITEMS is in full swing. The food insecurity in the Delta is continuing. In spite of regular deliveries by some organizations along the main roads, there are innumerable pockets of villages that are so remote that they never received any aid.

Myanmar - Irrawaddy-Delta‏: Assessments und Nahrungsverteilung


AMURT and AMURTEL volunteers have been active since the cyclone hit on May 3 doing relief work. After the initial chaos we started assessments with funds that we were able to get in right away. We found many villages completely neglected and thousands of rotting corpses everywhere.

Myanmar - Irrawaddy-Delta‏: Erste Informationen aus dem Katastrophengebiet

Mayanmar (Burma) was hit hard by cyclone Nargis on May 3. It is the worst natural disaster in East Asia since the tsunami of 2004. Most of the 38,500 confirmed deaths occurred in the southern Irrawaddy river delta region. Unofficial estimates put the deaths at 128.000+. The majority of people were killed by a tidal surge 12 ft (3.5m) high. Approximately 2,5 million people who have been affected with many loosing their homes. The old capital Rangoon is without electricity and has received enormous damage to its infrastructure.

Myanmar - Irrawaddy-Delta‏: Hilfsmaßnahmen laufen an

Sonntag, 18 Mai 2008:

Ich erfahre gerade, dass Dada Nirmalkrsnananda seit vorgestern in Rangoon (Myanmar) ist. Noch am selben Tag hat er damit begonnen, unsere Hilfsleistungen mit den anderen, vor Ort operierenden Organisationen zu koordinieren. Da die Regierung es den Ausländern nicht erlaubt in das Katastrophengebiet zu reisen, wird unsere Hilfe über einheimische Kräfte weitergeleitet werden müssen.

Die Bankverbindungen sind geklärt, wir benutzen die schon für Bandha Acet eingespielten Facilities.

Myanmar - Irrawaddy-Delta‏: Erste Einschätzung der Lage

Die Lage in Myanmar scheint noch schlimmer als 2004 in Banda Aceh zu sein. Dada Nirmalkrsnananda war vor einer Woche in Bangkok, kam dann nach Kuala Lumpur und versucht jetzt nach Myanmar zu reisen. Ich habe mit der Kindernothilfe in Duisburg telefoniert, sie werden ihn erneut finanziell unterstützen; der erste Teilbetrag ist sogar schon angewiesen worden.


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